Cervical osteochondrosis is one of the most common diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It all happens because modern living conditions create the most favorable conditions for the development of this disease. Poor posture from an early age is considered the main harbinger of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Most modern occupations involve prolonged sitting in front of a monitor. People lead a sedentary lifestyle for hours, days and years and as a result get osteochondrosis. How to recognize this disease, what are the symptoms?

Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis
- Pain in the cervical spine. The painful sensations are quite long and painful. The pain usually worsens when you lie down.
- If the disease is not treated, the pain becomes so strong and obsessive that the person becomes incapable. Painful sensations practically do not subside, but only weaken or, conversely, become stronger.
- The pain may be accompanied by weakness, dizziness, nausea and even vomiting. In advanced cases, osteochondrosis can cause loss of consciousness.
- One of the symptoms of the disease is tinnitus and a sensation of vibration. Osteochondrosis also affects blood pressure.
- Trembling in the body and dark circles in front of the eyes are not uncommon in osteochondrosis.
- Sometimes the pain can go to the forearms or hands. The painful sensations turn into numbness and even numbness of the limbs.
How to get rid of cervical osteochondrosis
Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is a degeneration of articular cartilage. When the intervertebral discs become thinner, they affect the nerve endings, which in turn cause vasospasm. The vessels narrow and do not allow the passage of enough blood that the brain needs. Oxygen starvation occurs, which leads to serious consequences. Therefore, you should not delay treatment, even if you have minor symptoms. The sooner treatment is started, the more effective the result will be. An integrated approach is needed to get rid of osteochondrosis. It includes medication, physical education, massage, manual therapy procedures, physiotherapy and adherence to certain dietary rules.
To get rid of this disease, you need to contact an experienced and professional neurologist. The treatment is long enough, it requires discipline and diligence from the patient himself, but this is the only way to get relief and relief from this obsessive pain.
Drug treatment consists of the appointment of vasodilators. They help oxygen to the brain and improve blood circulation in the body. It is possible to reduce the sensitivity of nerve endings with the help of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Also, the patient is prescribed vitamins to repair the tissues in the body. Well, and, of course, painkillers, because it is simply impossible to live with such sensations. Various ointments and gels that have anti-inflammatory and analgesic action are prescribed to relieve local pain.
Exercises against osteochondrosis

- Tilt your head back and forth slowly and completely. Lean forward, try to touch your chin to your chest. Repeat this movement 10 times.
- Make circular motions with your head. First 5 times in one direction, then 5 times in the other.
- Tilt your head slightly forward and place your forehead on your open palms. Press your head to your hands and lock in this position for a few seconds. Repeat this exercise with the nape of the neck.
- Take a chair and sit on it. Tilt your head back. Slowly turn your head to the right and return to the starting position. Then turn your head to the left. Do at least 10 reps on each side. The movements should not be sharp, do everything smoothly.
- Tilt your head to the right and left, trying to reach your shoulder with your ears. Then, on the contrary, raise your shoulders to the stationary head, first together, then sequentially - then the right shoulder, then the left.
Massage in the fight against cervical osteochondrosis
Professional massage gives amazing results after the first session. It is best to consult a specialist - a chiropractor. It will stretch the muscles and put the vertebrae in order. After the sessions of manual therapy, the spinal muscles will be toned, the blood circulation will be improved and the motor abilities of the patient will be improved.

But to alleviate the condition, you can do the massage at home.
- Sit on a chair or sofa and press your fingers to the back of your neck, along your spine. Rub the area up and down until you feel heat and even burning.
- Do the same with circular motions. Stretch not only the neck, grab the back of the head to improve blood permeability in this area.
- Use your fingertips to tap the back of your neck.
- There is another effective remedy that doctors advise. Fill a plastic bottle with water and place it under your neck. Alone or with help, try to roll this bottle with your neck without arms.
I would like to note that massage and manual therapy procedures cannot be performed with exacerbation of a pain symptom.
Physiotherapy in the treatment of osteochondrosis consists in the use of a special device that improves the patency of the nerve endings. Electrophoresis is also used.
Prevention of osteochondrosis
To get rid of the pain forever, you should try to change your life for the better. Do sports, go out more often in nature. Get in the habit of running regularly in the morning or walking in the evening. Quitting smoking is also detrimental to spinal discs. Eat right, eliminate salt from your intake or at least limit it to a minimum.
To get rid of bouts of pain, you need to learn not to strain your neck. This means that you cannot read and watch TV while lying down. When driving, do not tilt your head too far. If your job involves sitting on a newspaper or monitor for a long time, take regular breaks - get up, walk, do neck exercises. Pay attention to your workplace. The height of the table and chair should be adjusted so that you do not have to bend over and bend over the papers while sitting.
Properly chosen place to sleep will help you ensure a normal life without pain. The bed should be flat and the mattress orthopedic. It is important to choose your pillow wisely - it should not be soft. The height of the pillow is determined by the distance from the neck to the shoulder. Only such a pillow will ensure the correct position of the body during sleep.
Osteochondrosis is not a disease that needs to be treated at home on its own. It is very important to classify the disease and to exclude other deviations. Only a doctor can do this. Therefore, when there is pain in the neck, you can not pull with a trip to a specialist. And then you can suppress the disease at its root, in its very germ.