The gradual destruction of cartilage tissue leads to the fact that the nerve roots begin to pinch, pain, limited movement and a number of other symptoms appear. Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis at home is necessary to get rid of them and maintain your health. Of course, it is impossible to completely restore the spine in this area, but it will be possible to slow the development of the disease with the help of traditional medicine.
How therapy should be structured
It does not matter whether you plan to use only folk remedies for osteochondrosis of the cervix or want to supplement them with drug therapy, it is still important to properly develop a sequence of actions.
How to treat cervical osteochondrosis? It is necessary to treat the pathology using a combined approach, applying several types of exposure at once. This is the basic rule applied even in medicine, because it will help to achieve remission faster.
Another important point is the sensible approach. Always see a doctor before treating this spine with folk remedies. After all, it is possible that the vertebrae already have significant damage or the disease occurs against the background of herniated intervertebral discs, and this is already very serious.

In some cases, it is better to carry out all treatment under the supervision of a doctor. Remember that you will improve, not worsen your condition.
Internal recipes
Traditional methods of treating cervical osteochondrosis offer many prescriptions to eliminate the disease, which must be taken orally on a schedule.
How do these drugs help with general therapy, since even the attending physician usually prescribes drugs and ointments only for topical use?
Infusions and decoctions help relieve inflammation, improve general circulation and restore the immune system. All this has a beneficial effect on the condition of the body and this is the best way to treat osteochondrosis.
Here are some recipes for decoctions:
- Grind the blueberries (370 g) and garlic cloves (150 g) to a pulp and then place the mixture in a jar. Add 800 grams of honey to this and mix our medicine until it acquires a homogeneous structure. Take 5 g of the composition daily. Drinking tea, water and other beverages is allowed.
- You can remove salt deposits by folk methods, for this you will need sunflower root. To do this, grind the well-washed root, dry it and prepare it in water at a rate of 150 g to 2, 7 liters of liquid. We boil the broth and drink one cup every day instead of tea.
- The monastery collection has excellent reviews, which include veronica, string, violet and wheatgrass root. These ingredients are taken in 20 grams, and burdock root - in an amount of 25 g. A liter jar of boiling water will require 2 tbsp. tablespoons dry mixture. The latter is in this water and boiled for 15 minutes.
- For the next recipe you will need mint, licorice, calendula and yarrow. Each herb for 1-2 tbsp. Spoons. This mixture is poured with water (1 liter) and boiled for half an hour in a water bath. After straining, the course of administration is as follows: 100 ml 3 times a day.

These folk remedies differ from decoctions in that they take a little more time to cook. The infusion time is needed to make the composition more effective.
The following recipes can be used:
- Pine buds (for the collection of May days) are cut into smaller pieces and sprinkled with granulated sugar. The ingredients are taken in a ratio of 1: 2. The infusion is kept for 2 weeks in a dark place until it acquires a golden brown color. Take half a teaspoon a day before meals, the whole course is 2 weeks.
- Folk remedies for cervical osteochondrosis can be made on the basis of vodka. The principle of production is almost always the same: for 0, 5 liters of vodka need 200-250 grams of raw materials. Medicinal herbs and plants such as aloe, celery root, radish, St. John's wort help with the disease.

Recipes for external influences
Healing baths
Therapeutic therapy should be supplemented with hydrotherapy to affect the body not only internally but also externally.
To do this, you need to bathe daily for 15-20 minutes, you can even take hot. And to improve blood circulation, it is advisable to then take a cold shower.
It is imperative to add medicinal herbs to the water to help relieve inflammation and eliminate other symptoms.
Between them:
- see rosemary;
- St. John's Wort;
- calamus root;
- spruce and pine needles;
- motherwort.
In order not to pour herbs into the bathroom, you can prepare a concentrated decoction. To do this, you need to take 120-150 g of each suitable raw material for 1 liter, pour boiling water over it and let it stand for 20-35 minutes.
Thus prepared folk remedy, which helps against osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, is poured into the bath. In general, such alternative treatment of cervical osteochondrosis lasts at least 14 sessions without interruption.

Treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine can not be performed without compresses. They will relieve pain and restore previous mobility of the neck:
- Take 50-55 g of aloe juice, add it to vodka (400 ml) and mix mustard powder (55 g) in the mixture. Such a compress will warm the well-affected area, so it can not last more than 15 minutes, and if the burning sensation becomes stronger, then the bandage should be removed earlier.
- Grate the radish and place the shaped porridge in a piece of bandage or gauze. Apply it on the skin just as long as you can with the burning sensation. It is better to hold the compress for no more than 15 minutes so as not to burn yourself. To enhance the effect, you can put polyethylene on the fabric and then wrap it with a warm towel.
- The treatment of cervical osteochondrosis in women can be supplemented with the following compress, as it does not burn. You will need to grate the oman root in such an amount that it turns out to be about 50 grams, and add the porridge to an equal portion of thick sour cream. The composition is applied to the affected area for 40 minutes, the whole course takes up to 10 days.
- The ritual every night should be a honey-based compress known for its healing properties. You will need 15-20 g of honey and the same amount of fine salt. The mixture is applied tightly to the fabric and applied to the neck. After 30-45 minutes you can wash off the remnants of the product.
You can cure cervical osteochondrosis at home with the help of ointments. In addition, it is not necessary to give a lot of money for pharmaceutical compositions, as it is quite possible to make ointments for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine at home.
There are several recipes:
- The composition of the first product includes egg, flour (20 g), vegetable oil (100 ml) and 20 ml of vinegar. The ingredients are mixed and then left in a dark place for the next two days. A day later, be sure to remove the film from the surface.
- To make an ointment based on ginger, you need to take 55 g of unpeeled root, grind it and add crushed garlic (3 cloves) to the porridge. Beat the softened butter (homemade! ) Lightly, adding garlic and ginger to it. Optionally, the composition is supplemented with essential oil - it will not give a healing effect, but will allow you to kill the pungent odor.
- Treatment with folk remedies for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine can be continued with another ointment based on badger fat (75 g). Melt it slightly and add the same amount of vegetable oil and another 100 ml of water. To the porridge is added ground herbal collection of marshmallow root, horsetail, lavender, yarrow and dandelion. A total of 3 tablespoons will suffice. l. The mixture is boiled and removed to cool. It is better to apply the product on the neck at least 2 times a day.
It will not be difficult to make such ointments yourself, it remains to buy the necessary ingredients. The method of using any home remedy is common - apply to the neck area, rubbing slowly.
It is especially good if you pre-warm the skin by making a warm compress or massage. This way the ointment will penetrate better into the skin and this will now allow you to achieve faster relief from pain and swelling.

Other treatments
It is possible to treat cervical osteochondrosis at home not only with the help of folk remedies, but also by other methods. In addition, doctors strongly recommend the use of each of them.
Osteochondrosis of the cervix or rather home treatment of this disease is a matter that requires patience. It will also be needed for procedures using the applicator.
For people with overly sensitive and thin skin, prone to bruises, it is better not to test this method, but to treat cervical osteochondrosis with folk remedies.
You can buy any applicator with double and single needles. It is convenient if you already have a strap that will allow you to fix the device on your neck, but you can just put it on the sore spot and lie down.
How to treat cervical osteochondrosis at home with massage, if no one can help with this procedure? Self-massage will help here, because even if you massage the affected area yourself, it will bring a positive effect.
Subject to regularity, it will be possible to achieve a number of effects, for example:
- relieving stiffness and restricting mobility;
- improving lymph and blood flow, which leads to better tissue nutrition;
- the painful sensations disappear;
- swelling and inflammation are reduced.
It is better to start the procedure with stroking to gradually prepare the skin for a deeper massage. Then the movements for plucking and kneading are connected, rubbing the area, changing the pressure.

Paying attention to the treatment of the cervical spine at home is necessary for the head, shoulders and upper back - this will increase the effectiveness of the massage.
In order for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis to be more complete and to have a greater effect, it is sometimes possible to replace the usual massage with cups. All you need to do is buy a massage jar at any nearby pharmacy (not glass! ).
It is especially good if you use this method in the initial stage of therapy, as the massage with a container will quickly remove the swelling due to the fact that the local blood circulation will improve many times over.
Before use, the affected area is rubbed with an ointment (you can use one that you prepare yourself) or massage oil. Then you just have to squeeze the jar and put it in this shape on the skin.
Initially, a slight pain is possible, but still the course includes only 3-5 sessions, 5 minutes each, with breaks for 2-3 days, so you will not have to endure the procedure for a long time.
Exercise therapy
Exercise classes are affordable even for the elderly, as these are gentle loads, it is not for nothing that they are called therapeutic.
At the very beginning, before treating osteochondrosis of the cervical spine at home, you can ask a doctor to choose the appropriate exercises for him.
The main rule of physiotherapy exercises is slow performance and regularity. Circular movements of the neck, turning the head, tilting, lifting the head with weights - these exercises should first be done in small quantities, and then gradually increase the amplitude of the performance and duration of the exercises.
If you have cervical osteochondrosis, alternative methods should be supplemented with exercise therapy to work the deep muscles, improve the muscular corset, make the neck more mobile, relieve pain due to pinched nerves.
Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis with folk remedies will not be complete if you do not connect proper nutrition with the entire therapeutic system.
The recommendations have been developed by experienced doctors, therefore following a number of rules when building your own diet will only have a beneficial effect on the condition.
You will have to opt out:
- sweets;
- sugar beverages, especially carbonated beverages;
- coffee;
- fatty foods (except oily fish);
- snacks, dried fish and anything that has a lot of salt.
We replace any harmfulness with an abundance of vegetables, fruits, protein foods - this food is useful and will compensate for the lack of trace elements.
It is especially important to maintain a diet for those who have long suffered from a disease such as cervical osteochondrosis and only recently it was decided to start treatment with folk remedies.
In overweight patients, compliance with the restrictions will reduce weight and this is already a definite plus for the entire spine.

If the question of how to cure cervical osteochondrosis is no longer relevant to you due to the fact that you have successfully achieved remission, now you have an equally difficult task - to maintain the health of your neck as long as possible.
The best way is not to stop using the procedures described above as a preventive measure, but simply to reduce their number.
A good prophylactic is an infusion, for the production of which 200 grams are taken:
- hops;
- camomile;
- parsley;
- burdock.
The mixture of medicinal herbs is supplemented with oregano and nettle (100 g each). To prepare a liter of infusion, you need to take 2-3 tbsp. l. of the mixture and boil it in boiling water.
The composition is stored for 3 days in a shaded place, after which it can be used inside. You should drink up to 30 ml of the drug per day, dividing it into 2 doses.
Regular massage, good nutrition, a comfortable place and the right position to rest will help maintain the result and avoid recurrence.