Osteochondritis — this is just a backache. Very thin nerve fibers of the spinal cord associated with the health of the spine and affects all of her internal organs, heart, kidney, lung, and gastrointestinal, and even the general condition. Maybe you will be surprised, but even depression may not occur because in human life the tragic events, not only because the result of the destruction of the cervical spine pinch nerves with the brain. Folk remedies treatment of this disease.
Osteochondritis — this is extremely serious and bad it's a disease. Usually it is accompanied by lumbosacral and lower extremity pain in the region. According to the latest medical data, the main reason back pain degenerative (destructive) process of intervertebral discs. An osteochondrosis intervertebral disc of our spine to provide flexibility and mobility into a special structure of cartilage is defective. When osteochondritis moving, irreversible changes will occur and already see themselves as vertebrae.

Degenerative disc disease causes
Degenerative disc disease the cause of a series may be, and as such, often can not be called a master. Is a disease that occurs as a result of negative factors on top of one another.
As you get older, the cartilage loses its elasticity, is less durable. After messing with this the intervertebral discs restores. The following: load one side of the body slowly but surely undermines the health of the spine: seats of a non-symmetric posture, transfer cargo in one hand, holding a certain posture for a long time (for example, reading lying on one side) for use on pillow and sleep in the wrong bed (the head of the angle body, the body lies roughly). Could be causing this bulging intervertebral disc, vertebrae, nerve compression, and the appropriate emergency. This part of an already launched diseases related to this organ.
Another reason for malnutrition is closely related with degenerative disc disease — obesity. Overweight — this is just an additional load of the spine the lack of flexibility and reduces the movement of Nov. Brings rich carbohydrates and fats to eat quickly saturation, but this "empty" calories for the body not to give a thing useful - what vitamins, nor mineral neither vitality. Also, any calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese and other trace elements, cartilage and the bones more porous and faster under no load. Therefore, unfortunately forced to give up dessert, frying, baking and semi-finished and go on a diet of fish, fresh fruits and vegetables. Must be moderate, consumption of grain, sunflower and olive oil, cheese and curd. Meat, butter, fresh pastries, dairy products, salt, and heavy, you must limit coffee and finally, ideally, give up altogether.
Third, the previous two to join the cause metabolic. Take away the body's ability metabolism, recycling, and getting to metabolize food, create energy and materials to cells. Typically these processes is automatically regulated by the mineral composition and the process of balance in the inner hotel. Flowing out the body exactly what it takes food protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamins, minerals and water needs to build up for it to work. Your income disorders the lack of certain substances, protein, fat, carbohydrate, mineral, or a water change. The results, metabolic disorders, bone osteoporosis and may be a system for the accumulation of salts — often satellites degenerative disc disease.
Flat feet, wearing uncomfortable shoes and high heels causes degenerative disc disease. Violation of the structure of the spine to compensate for the excessive burden to the arch of the foot, resulting in the process of walking, body weight is distributed wrong.
Other causes: trauma, spine, and structure of the spine and cartilage disorders that followed them, a sedentary lifestyle, the effect of which we'll talk more later, heavy physical work and lifting weights constantly, it's not the spine that opportunities to save, it is a ideal place abrupt discontinuation, and the weakening, Nov, pinched nerves, vessels and machinery and which may be the result of stress, stemming the brain.
May appear when the spine with the suspicion that it's not a good time and to a specialist for diagnosis?
Onset of the disease can pass into silently: sometimes I feel sick or discomfort, numbness of the spine just in a certain place, depending on the localization, and dystrophic changes.
Depending, in which the backbone was the "weakest link" and succumb to the ravages of degenerative disc disease, you may experience the following symptoms of the disease.
When the cartilage between the vertebrae and flat out wrinkled, and channels and holes, respectively shrinks, the vertebral artery clamps down, and that gives the brain of oxygen deficiency symptoms (pain, dizziness, anxiety). At this point you may develop chronic fatigue syndrome, the depressed state, the person experiences a continuous shortage of vitality.
Then you can participate in unconscious discomfort, headaches and dizziness, hearing impairment, and vision, if this condition is cervical degenerative disc disease.
Hand numbness and pain on motion, pain in a skirt, the chest is the result of osteochondrosis in mother's milk.
The lumbar spine low back pain is characterized by pain in walking, gradients, periodic pelvic joint pain and aches, the groin and leg given.
The backbone of all these symptoms for the physiological health of a violation to talk about, that insufficient installs him in the future.
Means, itself a term "osteochondritis"? The Greek osteon meaning "bone", chords — "cartilage", the ending-os — non-inflammatory degenerative process and generally this is a disease, namely cartilage and bone tissue aging.
If you violate any and which is close to the spine, degenerative disc disease varies and symptoms. Affects all parts of the spine, low back pain that can affect the cervical, thoracic, and lumbosacral segments of the sciatic sciatica is complicated, "shot", intervertebral hernias.
Cervical osteokondrozis
Localization of degenerative disc disease in the neck (cervical osteokondrozis) often. The cervical spine is the most common people who suffer from the monotonous work — designers, programmers, secretaries, dentists, watchmaker, etc. usually developing cervical degenerative disc disease contribute to, riding, driving, and long-term computer use. Basic feature and cervical degenerative disc disease symptoms include: headache, dizziness, pain in the arms, chest and back pain, numb tongue.
A cervical osteochondrosis often hurts, and dizzy, dark eyes and dark pressure. With the outside ledges of the transverse canal of the cervical spine for vertebral artery passes up the spinal cord to the pseudo channel. He directed the feeding and the skull cavity cerebellum, and the vestibular system of the heart, nape and a founder in the field of the underlying brain. The offset spine leads to reflex spasm of vertebral artery, and in severe cases, and the pressure on him. Therefore, a broken blood centers centers balance and range vegetative management processes. This is a process so common and why the diagnosis of "vegetative-vascular dystonia".
A cervical radicular symptoms may be present and osteochondrosis (cervical sciatica): a painful hand, and sometimes by the individual fingers, hands, numb, they become constantly cold. The reason for this is the last violation pulse fiber nerve fiber. Or fingers and numbness, judge distance a certain lifetime.
Osteochondritis chest
It is very rare that an affected by osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine. Thoracic degenerative disc disease one of the main reasons for the development curvature of the spine (scoliosis). As a rule, all the thoracic degenerative disc disease caused by another background for the future development of the school. The thoracic spine is the most mobile and, therefore, the signs and symptoms of cervical or lumbar degenerative disc disease thoracic degenerative disc disease many different symptoms. In most cases, in the absence of acute thoracic pain and degenerative disc disease the main difference presence alone is stupid, if you have low back pain.
Thoracic degenerative disc disease basic and featured signs include: chest pain, dizziness, prickling, chest, heart, liver, stomach. Osteochondritis chest too often disguises itself as another disease (e.g., angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, peptic ulcer, gastritis).
This is, its symptoms can be confused, for example, myocardial infarction, or pneumonia. Pain related to osteochondrosis, Orange, Long, similar to the intercostal neuralgia. Sometimes the pain under the shoulder blade that can give you what does a suspicious heart attack. The difference between lies and intercostal neuralgia coronary heart disease, when patients with osteochondrosis of the normal (or nearly normal) electrocardiogram, sudden missing of symptoms such as the pallor, bruising, seslises skin, cold sweat, etc.
Osteokondrozis chest, also paired with itself in a variety of painful symptoms (pain, neurological reactions), the more dangerous and worrying development in the neighboring Department of nursing the spine and internal organs of a serious illness.
Lumbosacral back pain
The lumbar spine low back pain — lumbar low back pain — most frequently occurs. The reason for this is the waist (lumbar vertebrae), usually the main burden. Low back pain lumbar intervertebral herniation is most often the lumbar spine may be complicated.
Featured basic signs and lumbar degenerative disc disease treatment: back pain (low back pain, uncomfortable turnover in human years is characterized by the grinding of the autumn-winter period) for limited movement, leg pain. Acute back pain or leg pain aching lumbar osteochondrosis observed very often, dependency, a portion of a particular leg (e.g., rear or side of the hip). To celebrate this an increase or decrease the sensitivity of the skin pain in the leg (thigh or lower leg) touch or pain — degenerative disc disease-these symptoms described articulated the roots of the spinal cord.
Degenerative intervertebral disc disease in the lumbosacral spine the most common cause is traumatic (compression fracture or chronic trauma).
Lumbar nerve root of the sciatic nerve ischiadicus nerve in the words of, hence the name complications — sciatica. As it progresses it spreads a violation nerve pain, nerve trunk: a hip, below the knee, or heel sometimes spawn. In advanced cases, some important nutrition disorders nervous the body, then the legs numbs. The sensitivity of hair loss symptoms very persistent, sometimes numbness persists for a long time.
The man starts a violation of the sciatic nerve, loose, move your eyes on your body weight avoiding side bending, and thus root compression to reduce sick wide body parts of a healthy life. If pain continues over time as a result of treatment, or increasingly tolerant. A lifetime is not reduced curvature of the spine is recorded. In this case load, intervertebral disc, and already damaged, irregular, are distributed protrudes more Why and destruction.
The worst complication of the vertebrae, degenerative disc disease, lumbosacral instability. The disk is already captures the vertebrae under load under gravity L "slides" with the sacrum. Pathological processes, such as developing internal organs. Patient advice and implement it yourself, traction, and according to the information, the sensation of pain. Correct handling procedures to decrease the pain not to increase.
The appeals statistics about degenerative disc disease doctor is low — only 20% of potential patients. Usually already income then you too would be unbearable. However, osteochondritis moves much more danger, the more it looks like at first glance. PhD in the developmental stages, degenerative disc disease, a timely appeal, authorization, treatment and rehabilitation to reduce the time period significantly.